How To Select A Contractor And Evaluate An Interior Painting Job.

painted wall and room

Topics to discuss with your painting contractor before you hire. And what to look for Before, During and After the job is completed.

  1. Check the contractor’s reputation and references.
  2. Be sure the contractor is licensed and insured.
  3. Agree in writing, on price and responsibilities before the job starts.
  4. Be sure to get a warranty for the work.
  5. Make sure they use high-quality materials and paints.
  6. Determine their steps of preparation and application.
  7. Inspect the crew’s work.

Check this list with your contractor to ensure a successful paint job.

Text Position Select Evaluate Contractor

  1. Covering your belongings and relocating valuables.
    Covering: Be sure your contractor covers all furniture, floors, cabinets, light fixtures, and anything that is not being painted.

    : It is best if you take any art off walls, or remove items from shelves, or other belongings which can get knocked over or damaged. Store these items in a safe place until the paint job is completed.
  2. Caulking and filling Gaps, Holes and Cracks:
    These are areas between wood trim and wall board. These are the gaps and voids that need filling with spackle, dry wall compound or caulking before you paint. Your contractor should inspect and fill in any gaps before they paint.
  3. Masking: Taping and masking off any areas that will NOT be painted. The paint crew does this to keep a straight line and avoid any over-brushing or rolling of paint on already painted surfaces, fixtures, or other trim.
  4. After paint application:
    Paint should always be applied evenly to the wall’s surface and be free of any visible brush or roller marks, runs or drips, bare spots, or weak coverage areas.You can check for even surface coverage a couple of ways.
    –  Look at the wall and trim from different angles and lighting conditions.
    You can see the areas that are uneven and not covered properly.
    –  Run your hand over the wall. The surface look or should feel smooth unless you have a textured wall.
  5. Good color separation where colors meet.
    There should be a distinct and visible sharp and clean line between each color, with no bleeding or smudging.

El Gato Painting has the knowledge, track record and reputation to do your project right. The first time.

  1. Topics we will discuss with you before you hire us.
  2. We’ll furnish you our complete list of satisfied customers.
  3. Verify we are licensed and insured.
  4. Agree with you in writing on price and responsibilities.
  5. Be sure you get our best warranty for the work.
  6. Make sure we use high-quality materials and paints.
  7. We’ll carefully go over our 21 steps of preparation and application.
  8. Welcome your questions and concerns.
  9. Look forward to your final inspection of our crew’s excellent work.

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This will give you the peace of mind that you have hired trustworthy and reliable professionals.

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