Category: Commercial Painting

Painting Your Concrete Floors and Steps

concrete before after combo red steps

Why Paint Concrete Surfaces? Concrete surfaces are necessary, durable and low maintenance, yet sometimes they can be overlooked when decorating the home. With a bit of creativity and effort, you can transform these mundane surfaces into more colorful and attractive features. Benefits of Painting concrete:…

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Office Painting Ideas: What color looks the most professional?

painter on ladder

There are a few key things to keep in mind when painting an office. First, creating a professional and inviting space is what you want. Choose neutral colors like Grey, blue, and green. Other Things to Consider The Amount of Natural Light the Space gets…

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Commercial Building Repair: A Guide for New Commercial Owners

building renovations

Commercial buildings require constant maintenance and upkeep, which is why owning them has bigger responsibilities than you might think. If you’re a new owner of a commercial property or planning to invest in one, this guide will help you with everything you need to know…

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Warehouse Painting Guide: Keeping Warehouse Well-Maintained

warehouse painting guide

It is essential to make sure that your warehouses are well-maintained. This is to preserve the appearance of the walls, ceiling, floor, and all of its other parts. In addition, keeping it well-maintained makes it long-lasting to serve your business. It is easy to find…

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The Importance of a Painting License

license painter and checklist

When someone has a license, it means there is official permission to carry out something. The importance of a license in any field signifies that a person ‘with a license’ is adept in a particular field. And in that industry a licensed person works, it…

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