Category: Exterior Painting

Painting Your Concrete Floors and Steps

concrete before after combo red steps

Why Paint Concrete Surfaces? Concrete surfaces are necessary, durable and low maintenance, yet sometimes they can be overlooked when decorating the home. With a bit of creativity and effort, you can transform these mundane surfaces into more colorful and attractive features. Benefits of Painting concrete:…

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How To Paint Your Brick

brick paint feature MASTER

Yes, or No? Things to consider beforehand. While painting can transform almost any home interior or exterior, painting your brick may be a questionable endeavor. Interior design speaking: Painting an interior wall or fireplace may be the “call of the day” and a great idea…

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How To Paint or Varnish Your Entry Door

a blue painter entry door and a whited door snippet

Welcome Home – Is What Your Front Door Says The threshold to your home and entry to your family sanctuary. This is where first impressions can be lasting impressions. From the very first look – your entry door invites friends and family into your world….

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Is DIY Home Painting for Me?

DIY Home Painting

At first thought, professional painting is more expensive than doing it by yourself. This is why people try to engage in DIY home painting. But DIY home painting is not a task as easy as you think it is, not for everyone to say the…

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