How to Repair Stucco?

wall cracks

How to Repair Stucco Before You Paint.

Stucco is a popular exterior finish for homes, because it is durable, lasts a long time and has aesthetic appeal. It is a cement-based textured coating applied to the exterior wall of a building.

Yet, over time, stucco may develop cracks or other damages that require repair.

These cracks can vary in size from hairline, to larger cracks from ground movement, which can originate from the corners of doors and windows, or larger patches falling off and exposing the wire lath behind the stucco.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of simple and medium stucco repair on your home.

BELOW: You can visit these helpful links by other professional brands to further your knowledge base before you start.

Before you begin – Assess the Damage:

Inspect the stucco for any cracks, chips, or other damage. Note the size and extent of the damage to determine the appropriate repair method.

Also keep in mind that some stucco problems may be structural and may need further and deeper repair from a licensed contractor.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of simple and medium stucco repair on your home.
paint roller and a wall crack

Minor Stucco Repair – Hairline Cracks

For small hairline cracks: OR slightly larger cracks (approx 1/32 of an inch)
Clean well, then just roll primer coats into the crack until it fills, allow to dry and then paint.
For slightly larger cracks requiring stucco patch:

Materials & Tools you may need:
– Stucco tube or tub    – Primer    – Painters 5 in one tool
– Paint    – Old paint brush    – Safety glasses
– Sandpaper    – Spray bottle    – Caulking gun
– Sponge    – Drop cloth / Plastic sheeting (to cover adjacent surfaces)

Repairing stucco procedure

Steps for your repair:

  • Use the sharp pointed part of your 5-in-1 painters tool to clean rough and flaking edges.
  • With elasomeric or premixed patch, fill and brush into crack.
  • Blend surface texture if necessary with stipple method
  • Allow to dry – Follow dry time on stucco patch instructions.
  • Prime and paint.

Helpful Reference Links
Quikrete Stucco Repair

True Value on Stucco Repair

Behr Stucco Repair

Medium/Advanced Stucco Damage

Areas where stucco has cracked and fallen out exposing mesh and lathtypes of stucco problems

Materials & Tools you may need:
– Stucco tub or ingredients   – Primer    – Painters 5 in one tool
-Trowel or rubber float    – Putty knife   -Bucket
– Paint    – Wire brush    – Bristle brush    – Utility knife
– Sandpaper    – Spray bottle    – Hammer    – Safety glasses
– Caulking gun    – Sandpaper    – Safety glasses    – Chisel
– Sponge    – Drop cloth / Plastic sheeting (to cover adjacent surfaces)

Helpful Reference Links
Quikrete Stucco Repair

True Value on Stucco Repair

Behr Stucco Repair

Steps for your repair:

  • Using a hammer and chisel, scrape or break off the loose stucco. Be careful not to damage the wood or wire lath further.

Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions on the label, mix the appropriate ratio of stucco patch and water in an empty plastic 5-gallon container.

  • Using a putty knife, trowel or rubber float (depending on size of hole), press the patching
    material into the damaged area. Spread no more than a ¼” thick.
  • Allow it to set.
  • Continue to apply stucco patch material in ¼” layers until area is full and flush existing surface.

patching stucco holes

  • Remove any excess material using a clean rubber float or sponge in a circular sweeping motion.
  • Blend the repaired area into the existing texture.
  • Allow the area to cure and dry. See recommended dry time on label.
  • Paint, or prime & paint.

Major Damaged Stucco

This may be a bit overwhelming for a beginner or DIY. Not only are major repairs time consuming, they may also require additional major repairs like wire lath work, wood work, framing and sheeting. This may be the time you call in a licensed contractor or professional who does this every day.

Materials & Tools you may need:
– Stucco mix     – Bonding agent    – Wire mesh – Sponge
– Water    – Primer    – Paint   – Putty knife    – Bucket
– Chisel – Hammer   – Wire brush    – Caulking gun
– Utility knife    – Wire brush   – Safety glasses    – Sandpaper
– 5 gallon bucket   – Spray bottle    – Hammer    – Caulking gun
-Trowel or rubber float   – Painters 5 in one tool
– Drop cloth / Plastic sheeting (to cover adjacent surfaces)man repairing stucco damages

Understanding the three layer/coats of stucco:

There are three layers within stucco: The three coats consist of two base coats and one finish coat.

– The first base coat is called a scratch coat.
The purpose of the first base coat, the scratch coat, is to embed the metal lath and provide a base for the brown coat. The scratch coat gets its name from the fact that it is physically scratched with horizontal marks. These scratches create a key; for the next coat to grab onto and a shelf for moisture to aid in curing of the brown coat.

The second is called a brown coat.
In two coat work, there is a single base coat and a finish coat.
The brown coat covers the first base coat and creates a plane surface, leading to the best possible results for the finish coat.

– The third coat is called the finish coat.
The finish coat is the thinnest of the coats, and its purpose is to impart a decorative
surface to the plaster

Helpful Reference Links  Questions? Here’s a few great resources
Quikrete Stucco Repair

True Value on Stucco Repair

Behr Stucco Repair

Steps for your repair:
Just like patching shallow cracks and holes in stucco, you have to clean and remove the damaged area.

  • Using a hammer and chisel, scrape or break off the loose stucco. Just be careful not to damage the wood and lath any further.
  • If repair is missing wire mesh, then after the obstructions have been removed, cover the exposed wall material with waterproofing paper.
  • Add a metal mesh, if necessary and attach it tightly against the edge of the stucco.

Depending on your project size: Mix your stucco, following the manufacturer’s directions on the label, mix the appropriate ratio of stucco patch and water in an empty plastic 5-gallon container. Or open your 5 gallon bucket of premixed to begin.

You can use the stucco mixture for up to 90 minutes before it hardens and becomes unusable.

  • Apply the first layer of stucco mixture until the layer is about half an inch.
    Scratch the surface of the stucco using a trowel and allow to set before adding another
    build-up layer.
  • Apply the second layer of stucco mixture up to a layer of ⅜ inch thick.
    Smooth the edges with a trowel, and cover with a plastic sheet. Let it sit for three days.
    After three days, remove the plastic.
  • Then apply the finish/final layer of stucco mixture.
  • Allow the repaired area to cure according to the stucco mix instructions.
  • Once cured, texture to match the existing stucco.
  • Apply a primer to the repaired area, and once dry, paint it to match the rest of the stucco surface. Choose a paint that is suitable for exterior stucco.

Helpful Reference Links
Quikrete Stucco Repair

True Value on Stucco Repair

Behr Stucco Repair


Stucco repair can be time-consuming and may require too much effort. If it’s too much work or if you’re just starting to learn how to do stucco repair, you can seek the help of professionals.

El Gato Painting has the knowledge, track record and reputation to do your project right. The first time.

Topics we will discuss with you before you hire us.

  1. We’ll furnish you our complete list of satisfied customers.
  2. Verify we are licensed and insured.
  3. Agree with you in writing on price and responsibilities.
  4. Be sure you get our best warranty for the work.
  5. Make sure we use high-quality materials and paints.
  6. We’ll carefully go over our 21 steps of preparation and application.
  7. Welcome your questions and concerns.
  8. Look forward to your final inspection of our crew’s excellent work.

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This will give you the peace of mind that you have hired trustworthy and reliable professionals.

Contact El Gato Painting Services today and get a free quotation!

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  1. Vivian Black said:
    December 13, 2021 at 8:07 am

    It was interesting to find out that there are three layers within stucco: lath, scratch, and brown coat. Also, it is more major the deeper it goes. We bought an old house in need of a lot of stucco repair. We first wanted to tackle it ourselves but decided that we would call a professional after realizing how time-consuming it can be. A good stucco repair service can do the job extremely well.

  2. Ms. My said:
    December 26, 2022 at 7:42 am

    Interesting! Stucco is a cement-based covering used to provide texture to walls. Stucco is useful if you live in an area that experiences harsh weather. It is also intended to block and resist UV radiation.

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